⏱︎ Sunday, 21th May 2024, 6:00 pm
⚲ Rittersaal Stockalperschloss Brig
$ Free entry/Donations welcome
ⓘ No reservation. Open seating. 70 minutes without intermission.
„Oh, what things can I expect, Oh, how will it all end? No, the cards never lie.“
Love, destiny, premonition in songs from Schumann to Saariaho: In this extraordinary song programme, selected art songs are thematically associated with Tarot cards. During the concert, the audience draws cards, thus determining the sequence and course of the concert. Each time, a unique overall story is created in the moment.
In addition to obvious relationships such as the Moon card and Schubert's Der Mond, other cards create surprising connections and discoveries - such as the Strength card with the rarely performed Anagramm II by Isabel Mundry. The programme also includes works by Poulenc, Schubert, Schönberg, and Saariaho.
Through interaction with the audience and the active imagination of the viewers, a varied, accessible concert evening is created at the highest artistic level. The musicians on their concept: "Although the cards can be mysterious or spiritual, here they are just a game - similar to the music itself.“
Robert Schumann (1810–1856): Die Kartenlegerin (Béranger)
Franz Schubert (1797–1828)
I Der Zauberer – Der Musensohn (Goethe)
VII Der Wagen – Willkommen und Abschied (Goethe)
XVIII Der Mond – An den Mond (Hölty)
XIII Namenloser Arkanum – So lasst mich scheinen (Goethe)
Francis Poulenc (1899–1963)
Lieder aus Fiançailles pour Rire (Vilmorin)
X Glücksrad – La dame d’André
XX Gericht – Dans l’herbe
VI Der Liebende – Il vole
XII Der Gehängte – Mon cadavre est doux comme un gant
XV Der Teufel – Violon
XVII Der Stern – Fleurs
Arnold Schönberg (1874–1951)
XVIIII Die Sonne – Waldsonne (Schlaf)
XVI Hausgott – Erhebung (Dehmel)
II Die Hohepriesterin – Schenk mir deinen goldenen Kamm (Dehmel)
Kaija Anneli Saariaho (1952–2023)
VIII Gerechtigkeit – Il pleut (Apollinaire) Es regnet
Isabelle Aboulker (*1938)
III Die Kaiserin – L’inconstante (Cros)
Der Narr – Überraschungslied